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Seawind Ocean Technology

Fellow Chartered Management Accountant with over 25 years experience working at Chair, MD and CEO level in major Private and Public Sector companies, specialising in start up, business development, turn around change and transformation. Working across sectors turning good ideas into good businesses.

Seawind is a technology development company and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), producing the new generation of floating fully-integrated wind turbines. Peter started to work with them in 2019 looking at options to develop in the UK and link into new technolodies including Tugdock.

Seawind was co-founded in 2014, by renewable energy pioneers Martin Jakubowski and Silvestro Caruso. Since then they have developed our innovative technologies and expanded into a fantastic team of industry experts. Seawind is now ready to fully demonstrate their new-generation floating wind solutions, and to help create a more sustainable future for everyone.

Their team includes global experts from the Oil & Gas, Clean Energy, Nuclear and Offshore Engineering industries. Together they have over seventy years’ experience in the offshore energy and floating wind sector, with hundreds of years of individual experience. Fundamental to Seawind’s team is our globally-recognised partners who we work with collaboratively to manufacture, install, and maintain our floating-wind turbines.

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